Caribbean Classics - Claiming Our Space At The Top

Classic literature can teach us so much about the past and what our ancestors hoped for our future. But the literary canon most associated with the term “Classic Literature” tends to be dominated by white, European & American men and about the world through their eyes. 

In recent years, attempts to claim a more diverse idea “Classic Literature” still falls short due to the failure to examine the cultural imperialism in published literary works. Diverse Classic Literature lists still look very American and European, (if you’re lucky you may find Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Chinua Achebe in the mix)

Now don’t get us wrong, we have nothing against Charles Dickens and Jane Austen, or even Zora Neale Hurston, or James Baldwin. Read everything, read widely and critically.
But it’s a shame to not have Caribbean storytellers, be associated with many of the Classics.

In true Rebel Women Lit style, we’ve gotten tired of waiting on the world to catch up to the amazing literature produced in the Caribbean in the last century.  

We’re celebrating Caribbean Classic Literature this September - December 2020 with the launch of our Caribbean Classics Subscription, with pre-loved & second-hand books from across the region published in the 1920s-1999.

Starting at $11USD wanted to make this subscription significantly lower than other subscription products because we want to get these books onto as many bookshelves of modern readers. 

We hope to (re)introduce modern readers to the world of Caribbean Classic Literature, because as Shivanee Robinson says “Reading Caribbean Means Reading The World”.