Not Just Twitter-Fingers: How To Contact Your MP About Abortion Rights in Jamaica

Updated on Feb 22nd based on lessons learned and tips you’ve learned.
Anti-choice advocates across the country are pushing to keep our archaic laws that sentence people to life-time in prison for attempting or having an abortion. They’re employing new strategies that include a softer lens on their beliefs and a batch of fresh millennial faces with (really) bad science.

While many Jamaicans support abortions in some case or the other, Jamaica remains one of the few countries in the world that restricts abortion in all cases (yes, including when it’s a risk to the person pregnant).

So when receiving abortion services, as well as assisting someone to access abortion, can land you in prison what can we do to stop it? There's plenty: You can volunteer with and support pro-choice organisations, you can go out and protest (all Covid-protocols observed), and you can cast your vote for pro-choice politicians the next time a local or national election comes around.But wait! There's also a small action you can take every day to remind our lawmakers that reproductive rights are human rights: contact your political representatives.

Ahead, we break down exactly how to do that and list the elected officials you should be calling. The time to fight for our reproductive rights is now.

First, find your MPs 

If you don't know your elected officials, this is the time to find out. Our friends over at Tenement Yaad have a list of all our MPs (or landlords as they call them) and you can navigate the page to identify your representatives and find their contact. 

Now, time to pick up the phone

Yes, we know picking up the phone trying to talk to your MP can be awkward. But the truth is that’s why this will be effective. Not a lot of people use this method and they’ll respond better to pressure from phone calls. It’s a quick way to tally up support and it's the most difficult to ignore. Plain and simple. They can overlook the build-up of tweets, emails, and letters, but they can't ignore a barrage of phones ringing without losing their mind a little bit.

It's very likely that an assistant will be the one to answer the phone but make sure you're clear that you're calling about repealing the Abortion laws. Get straight to the point and demand your MP to represent your views in parliament. 

Ok, so what do I say? 

Here’s where we make your life much easier. Below, we have two scripts you can modify and follow. 

First, let's say you're registered in North East Manchester, where the MP has been silent on ensuring abortion access is safe and legal. This is the perfect time to call. Here's what you could say:

"Hello, my name is Jamie. I'm a constituent from North East Manchester living in Cobbla. I believe Jamaicans need to access legal and safe abortions and I need my MP to represent my views in parliament and in the media. Many of us want to reduce the number of unsafe abortions happening in your consistency and legalising it will help people get them done in safe environments. Thank you!"

“Hi, my name is Kai, and I’m a 32-year-old chef and a member of your constituency. I urge you to support the right to legal and safe abortions. Not only is it important for the collective health of our society, but the government also has a responsibility to protect its most vulnerable people. I look forward to hearing you represent your view on reproductive rights in the media and in parliament. I’m open to more conversations if you’d like to have them. Thank you, have a nice day!”

Or if your MP has been supportive of safe and legal abortion access you can call them to encourage them! Yes, this is important ☺️.  MPs that have been vocal and supportive of decriminalising abortion include Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn, Alando Terrelonge, and Lisa Hanna.

"Hello, my name is Shanique, I'm from your constituency and I want to let you know that I believe Jamaicans need to access legal and safe abortions. I am so grateful that you’re representing my views in parliament. Thank you for protecting our human rights and our right to choose!” 

If you're calling a Senator or Minister, you can follow a similar guide. Senators Natalie Campbell Rodríguez, Damian Crawford and Dayton Campbell have all shown their support for decriminalising abortion.

Who should I prioritise?

Prioritise calling the MP of where you're registered to vote, or where you live. If you’re too young to vote, or you’re not registered you should still call because our officials represent everyone, not just voters. Then call those you believe need to weigh in on the issue, like our Minister of Gender, Minister of Health, and even the Minister of Finance (because unsafe abortions affect our economy!)

Ok, but I still feel weird about calling 😣 

No worries, phone-fright can be real. Send an email, WE-Change has a great template, or you can use ours below:

Dear Hon. [MP Name],

I’m __________ and I live in __________. I’m in support of Jamaicans accessing safe and legal abortions and I would love to hear you represent my views in parliament. At the moment, anyone who gets or attempts to get an abortion can be sentenced to life imprisonment and that is not the Jamaica we want to live in. 

I believe ______________. 

We know abortion can be a tricky topic to bring up but I assure you there are many others just like me in your consistency and we hope you’re willing to hear from us and represent us. We ultimately hope you’ll speak up in parliament and in the media supporting safe and legal access to abortion because no one should have to resort to unsafe methods or risk life imprisonment.


[your name] 

[your contact if you want] 

And if you follow your MP on IG or Twitter? Consider sliding into their DMs after sending an email by using this template. If you have access to them on Whatsapp, this can also be used there too: 

Dear Hon. [MP Name]

As a member of your constituency, I support safe, accessible and legal abortions. Currently, having an abortion is a crime punishable by life imprisonment and regardless of our personal views on abortion we believe this law is not just. Ultimately, I would love to see you declare support for abortions in parliament, and also join forces with your colleagues currently in favour of repealing this outdated law. But we also understand that you may need more time to understand the history and effects of this law. Jamaica’s future matters to me and so I will continue to pay keen attention to this debate and I’m sure many others in your consistency will as well. I will continue to advocating for issues I think are important and reaching out to you as my MP. 

[your name]

Pro Tips:

Only contact your MP and let them know where you reside. We don’t want the noise.

You’re not asking for their personal opinions and you don’t want to argue, be friendly, kind, but firm.

Don’t identify as a part of advocacy group, you’re just a constituent seeing what’s happening in the news and want your MP to know how you feel about imprisoning people for having abortions.

Avoid the bodily autonomy arguments, avoid conversations about when life begins. These are all important conversations that need to be had, but that’s not your MPs duty, they’re lawmakers and we need them to adjust the law.

Remember people can be against abortions for themselves, but still support decriminalisation.

Whether you contact your elected officials or Senators about local abortion laws or Senators, it's important to remind them there's plenty of data proving most Jamaicans support abortion access in some capacity. It's time to get with the times and let people decide what's best for their own bodies without risking jail time.

If you do contact your MP, let us know on Instagram and Twitter @AbortionJamaica what you said and what was their response.